Just now Luck Emperor opened Mag and suddenly opened his eyes, looking back at Hill, who did not know when to stand behind him, but also found that he seemed too immersed in lottery, and relaxed his vigilance about the surrounding situation.

“I just had an interesting dream.” Mag laughed and took it, stood up and looked at Hill. “I wonder what happened to Hill Young Lady?”

“If I said I wanted to have a cup of tea with Mister Mag, I wonder if Mister Mag would agree?” Hill stared at Mag with a grin.

“Hill Young Lady is already here, can I still refuse?” Mag asked with a smile and motioned to the side seat. “Today’s sun is just right, let’s just drink tea outside in the sun.”

“Okay.” Hill nodded, went straight to the table and sat down.

Mag came into the house and took out a set of tea set. He boiled the purple sand pot on a small stove and sprinkled some black tea. The tea fragrance floated from the mouth of the pot, and he gently sniffed, making people feel peaceful and comfortable.

Winter morning, sun shone brightly.

2 people sat facing each other, cooking a black tea in the middle, without speaking.

Hill stared at Mag for a long time. He just stared at the purple teapot calmly without even looking at her.

She has seen many men, and often does not look at her, but those men are just to hide their panic, so they deliberately turned their eyes elsewhere, and their twinkling eyes soon exposed their thoughts.

But Mag is different. His eyes are calm and focused, as if there is anything better than her on the purple golden teapot, even a glance at her is superfluous.

Such a man, she has never met.

“This guy, don’t I really have a teapot that looks good?” Hill was a little unconvinced. Although she didn’t care about the eyes of the man, she was used to the feeling of being watched. Now she is ignored and uncomfortable. .

“System, what does this Buddha Jumps Over the Wall do?”

“Please host to explore on your own.”

“System, this high-end dish formidable power has such strong medicinal effects, will there be any side effects? What to do if someone eats something bad?”

“Please ask the host to explore by himself, and consider the dispensing … dishes.”

“What do you want?”

Mag couldn’t help rolling his eyes, asking 3 but not answering, what’s the use of this system?

“This tea is very fragrant.” Hill broke the silence with a smile, but she didn’t have the leisure to sit here in the morning and bask in the sun.

“Well, it’s good tea.” Mag ended the conversation with System, naturally took Hill’s words, raised the teapot and poured her a cup of clear tea soup, with a strong tea fragrance.

This is the Mount Wuyi big red robe that he bought from System. Naturally, it is good tea. The quantity is not much. If it was not for Hill’s request, he would not be willing to take it out for others to drink.

Hill took the small white porcelain tea bowl, and the tea was so sweet that she couldn’t help but shine.

In addition to good wine and tea, her grandfather fished and drank tea in recent years. She also drank tea with her when she was free, so she knew a little about tea.

Her grandfather’s favorite is the Assam black tea from the Gnome race Assam Valley. It is not easy to buy because it is produced in small quantities.

In the past few years, because he couldn’t buy black tea, he bought all of the Asham Valley in one fell swoop, and built a tea base, which was produced and sold by himself, only for himself. .

The black tea brewed by Mister Mag has a stronger aroma than black tea.

Hold the tea bowl and blow gently, then take a small sip carefully.

“This smell!”

Hill’s eye is bright, rich in flavor, and sweet and mellow. After ingestion, the timeless aroma reverberates between the lips and teeth, making people feel refreshed.

“Good tea.”

Even Hill, who has tasted a lot of good tea, can’t help but praise it.

Even her grandfather’s favorite Assam black tea was significantly worse than it was.

“Grandfather would love this tea.” Hill thought firmly.

“Hill Young Lady is so busy. Shouldn’t it just come to me for tea?” Mag took a sip of tea, put down the tea cup, and looked at Hill with a smile.

Hill is a strong woman. She doesn’t usually come to the restaurant for dinner, and usually only appears here when something happens.

“The improvement work of the steamer car has been completed, but since then, Chief Blair has led the research and development team to try to add magic to the steamer car to increase the speed of the steamer car. Recently, breakthrough progress has been made, but in actual use I encountered some problems that could not be solved, and I hope to get some help from Mister Mag. “Hill looked at Mag.

“Is the magic edition train?” Mag heard more surprised.

Hill said with a bit of regret: “These things are not in the scope of our cooperation. It is really sorry to trouble Mister Mag for help.”

“I don’t know much about magic and may not be of much help, but I am quite interested in this modified train. The time in the morning may not be enough. I can go during lunch break.” Mag nodded, did not refuse , And did not say too much.

He did have some curiosity about what would happen when technology met magic.

magic edition train?

Can speed approach the high-speed rail?

“Okay, someone will pick you up at noon today.” Hill smiled, and pulled out a piece of paper and put it in front of Mag.

“this is?”

“This is a letter of appointment. I want to hire you as the general consultant for this steamer car project, so if I need you in the future, I will feel a little sorry,” Hill said.

Mag glanced at the 7-figure annual salary, pushed the offer back to Hill, and shook the head with a smile. “If I sign this, I will be a little more sorry when I decline.”

“Does Mister Mag feel underpaid?”

“No, I just don’t like being constrained.” Mag shook his head. “The steamer car project, if I have time, I will be happy to participate in what I can. After all, I am also a shareholder, but only if I am free . “

Hill stared at Mag for a moment, put away the offer, and smiled, “Then there is Mister Mag.”

Hill quietly drank the black tea in the tea cup, put down the tea cup, and some curiously asked: “I don’t know what kind of tea? Mister Mag has more in his hands, I wonder if I can sell me some. My grandfather at home likes to drink tea and definitely likes it Wait for good tea. “

“It’s just a little wild tea. There isn’t much left to love.” Mag shook his head decisively, and System sold black tea he couldn’t buy a catty.

However, according to System, this is because of the first year of transplant cultivation, and the yield should increase in the future.

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