A Sorcerer in the Detective World

Chapter 1859: This is the dignity of the world-class thief thief Kidd! ~

2:50 pm, Mihua Town.

Near the Royal High School, police officers are still busy in the police's temporary headquarters.

Before monitoring the screen, Gao Mushen, Sato Miwa and their son stood in front of them and continued to observe with enthusiasm. Suddenly they only heard the door whistling, then the white bird Ren Saburo came in and walked to the side of Sato Miwa and asked them: "Sato police officer, have you discovered the whereabouts of Shintaro?"

"Hey, not yet..." Hearing the voice of the white bird Ren Saburo, Satomi and his son turned and responded, and the voice had not yet fallen. He only listened to a policeman in front of the monitor screen, and then screamed: Hey police officer! I found the suspect and the stone of Shitaro!"


Hearing the voice of the policeman, the entire headquarters was noisy, and the police officer was even more stunned. He asked with a serious look: "...Report position!"

"Yes!" The policeman sighed and looked at the surveillance screen. "...The target is located on the pedestrian street in the northwest corner of the Royal High School. He has just bypassed a coffee shop and walked in the direction of the pedestrian bridge... ..."

The policeman’s voice did not fall, and Sato and his son browed and ran to the command post.

"Sato police officer!"

Looking at this scene, I saw the police officer shouting, then frowned, then turned to look at the white bird Ren Saburo, Takagi involved: "White Bird police officer, Takagi brother, you two quickly catch up, let Sato police officers pay attention Concealed, don't risk losing, and scared off the prisoner!"

"Okay, witness the police officer!"

Shiratori Saburo and Takagi went to nod and ran out, witnessing the police officer looking at the monitor screen, then picking up the intercom and whispering:

"Attention to the various groups! The attention of the various groups! The suspect and Ben Shitaro have already appeared in the three groups responsible for the area. The groups should approach the three groups in an orderly manner to form an encirclement. Do not let this metamorphosis escape!"

"Okay, witness the police officer!"


At 2:50 in the afternoon, near the Royal High School.

Outside the police's command, in a golden turtle car, Conan sat on the co-pilot and put his hands on his chest. He looked sullenly: "... Really! The police is simply crossing the river! I helped them. How busy, when I got to the most critical arrest, I was not allowed to participate. Instead, I sent it back to the detective office. This is really..."

"Okay! New! The police are also worried about your safety!" Dr. Auntie smiled and put his hand on the driver's seat, calming Conan, Conan turned his eyes and said: "... OK! I know the police are Kindly! However, I didn’t see the guy arrested and I always felt that there was a problem...”

"... In addition, I am still a little curious. Shu Yunwen, the guy who left the Dongdu Tower, should also go to the bomb madness. He doesn't know how to do it now..."

Conan whispered softly. Suddenly he saw three figures rushing out of the building in front of him. He couldn’t help but sigh: "That is... Takagi police officer, Sato police officer and white bird police officer? Look at their anxious look, it is found Is the bomb crazy?"

Conan thought about this, immediately pulled the door and jumped out of the car, and said to Dr. Auntie: "Dr., you are here waiting for me to go back, I will catch up and see!"

"Ah...good!" Dr. Aunt nodded, then said with no confidence, "New one, you must pay attention to safety!"

"You can rest assured, Dr. Auntie!"

Conan ran out a few steps and turned to look at Dr. Ayi, posing an "ok" gesture:

"...I will be careful myself!~"


At 2:55 pm, near the Royal High School.

Connecting the bridges on both sides of the road, pedestrians walked slowly or anxiously. Some people stopped on the flyover and leaned against the railings. They watched the traffic on the road below and sent time.

Accompanied by a series of "squeaky" footsteps, the fast-disguised and pretending Shiro Shiro went to the flyover, with both hands on his pockets, his face deliberately with a gloomy smile: "...I am in five minutes Before appearing here, I should have been discovered by the police. Well, those who have been following me are the police.... In addition, five minutes should be enough for the police. Arranged..."

"...well, the couple leaning against the railings over there is definitely the eyeliner of the police!"

As a master of camouflage, the eyes of the black feathers are naturally one-on-one. Coupled with the fighting with the police many times, even if you just take a casual look, you can determine the identity of everyone around you.

The black feathers squatted inside, and slowly walked to the middle of the bridge, then leaned on the railing and looked at the location of the high school in the emperor -

The bridge has a good view here, and there is no obstacle between the high school and the high school. It can clearly see the situation of the high school in Tidan.

A telescope was taken out of the pocket of the clothes. The black feathers quickly watched the situation in the high school of Tedan, and they mainly paid attention to the situation around the body.

In a blink of an eye, time is near three o'clock.

Quickly raise his hand and look at his watch. He only has less than thirty seconds left in the explosion. He brows: "Hell! How can these policemen not do it? From now on, the police near here are coming. The more, there are only a dozen policemen on the flyover now. Looking at them, I am planning to wait until three o'clock, and then confirm my identity?"

As a decision-making genius for the explosion of IQ, Black Feather quickly analyzed the police plan, but it was a bit of a headache.

In other words, you must know whether he can now reveal his identity as a strange thief Kidd!

In terms of his own status as Shiro Shiro, his escape mode can only be forced to escape, and the more uncles there are, the more difficult it is for him to escape!

Just like his plan just to get rid of the police and rushing down the stairs of the flyover, this is relatively safe, but now I only consider jumping directly from the flyover, but...

Well, there are so many cars on the road below, what if one accidentally gets swollen?

Quickly pondering in the brain, watching the time and minute reduction, and slightly converges the mind, his heart screamed: "...in the words, the police are now in a hurry to wait until after three o'clock to implement Captured... According to the digger and the red scorpion, I played the role of Shintaro, who is obviously psychologically perverted, so I should have some speech and action before the explosion... ”

As a master of disguise, since he has taken this "living", it is natural to do the best, and definitely can't show any horses to be right...

Well, this is the dignity of his world-class thief, Kidd!

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