A sickly beauty controls an interstellar beast

Chapter 172 Jin Zhenzhen vents his anger

After the student involved in the dispute over spirit beast pooping has made an appointment, the next student will pick up.

Administrator: "Why do you want to compete on the stage?"

Student B: "Humph, this guy was spying on me. I told him to hurry up and be fine soon, but he still knocked on the toilet door loudly, and finally knocked the door down. I happened to be there at that time. Pull up your pants, tell me if he did it on purpose."

Student B's opponent was indignant, "Who knew the toilet door was so fragile, and you've been squatting in it for more than two hours. Even if you're constipated, you can't squat for as long. Every time I knock on the door, you Everyone said you were close, but I was really in a hurry to urinate, so I knocked harder. Who the hell wanted to take a peek? I don’t think I have that much flesh on me. I had to peek at you. Who gave you the confidence?"

Student B: "Ha, why don't you look at me for so long?"

Student B's opponent: "Haha, I was so scared."

Student B was furious: "Ah, you are a good bitch who got a cheap deal. Fight. This fight must be fought today. I have to poke your eyes out."

So the two people with legitimate reasons made the appointment as a matter of course.

Shen Yinghuan, who was queuing in the queue next door, swallowed silently, ah, I learned something new today.

Then she was a little worried. Their reasons were so "legitimate", so the reasons for their application were a bit weak. Can they pass the spiritual pattern test?

It is said that today's competition platform reservations are very popular, and the administrators are strictly guarded. Many small spears, small shields, not very interesting and legitimate reasons have been canceled.

"Hey, is it you who came here just now on Senior Yu's angel bird?"

Suddenly, a coquettish voice mixed with anger and jealousy came to her ears. Shen Yinghuan, who was worried, turned around subconsciously and saw a pretty girl in a pink dress. She was staring at her with upturned eyebrows and a moist face. The big eyes were full of vigilance and defense against her.

Shen Yinghuan's heart skipped a beat. Could this be the confidante or ex-girlfriend of the third senior brother that the second senior brother mentioned?

It was obvious that they had already left Angel Bird a while ago. In order not to get involved with Gao Yu, only she and the second senior brother came to sign up. How come they were still seen and came to the door?

But when she saw Jin Zhenzhen in a pink dress not far away staring at her with malice, she roughly understood that it was probably Jin Zhenzhen's fault.

When Jin Zhenzhen saw that she had been discovered, she did not hide. She walked up to the pink dress with a malicious look on her eyebrows, and said in a sweet voice, "Shi Mengyu, don't ask, she is Shen Yinghuan who was sitting on the Angel Bird with Gao Yu just now." Yes, I also saw them standing very close and intimate, she must be trying to seduce Gao Yu."

Hearing this, Shi Mengyu's eyes suddenly turned vicious.

Shen Yinghuan's eyes were deep and she did not explain. Instead, she looked at Jin Zhenzhen and spoke with a clear face.

"You are venting your anger to retaliate against me. Although I can understand that the man you have liked for so many years does not like you, and you are engaged to my second sister and become my future second brother-in-law. You feel uncomfortable, but I cannot forgive you now. Behavior, if you make me angry, I welcome you to compete with me at any time, but you don’t dare to do it yourself. Instead, you instigate others to hate me. You think they are really smart and they will fall into your trap. , hum, a clown’s trick.”

These words immediately made Shi Mengyu, who was glaring at her fiercely, feel a little ashamed, and became hesitant and suspicious in her heart. Then she turned to look at Jin Zhenzhen, only to see that Jin Zhenzhen's face was ashen and his eyes were spitting fire.

It was obvious that he was angry because he had been poked in the center.

Suddenly Shi Mengyu believed Shen Yinghuan's words a little more.

Jin Zhenzhen also noticed it, but it was too late for her to change her expression. She could only stamp her feet angrily, glare at Shen Yinghuan and try her best to reverse the situation.

"Stop talking nonsense and change the subject. Do you dare to say that you didn't come here on an Angel Bird just now?"

Shen Yinghuan stopped talking and asked with calm eyes, "Then do you dare to say that you really gave up on Jiang Xiurong, had no feelings for him, and didn't anger me?"

Jin Zhenzhen choked, and her eyes subconsciously dodge with guilt. Brother Rong is her future husband she has recognized since she was a child. How could she give up? If not for her parents locking her in the house on the day of the engagement, unable to get out, and cutting off all contact with the outside world. , how could she not make trouble? She had even found someone to make trouble at the engagement party.

It's a pity that it didn't work out in the end. Her brother Rong successfully got engaged to that woman after all. How could she not bear grudges against the woman who robbed her brother Rong? Isn't it natural to be angry with that woman's sister?

Shi Mengyu, who keenly noticed this scene, once again tilted the balance in Shen Yinghuan's side.

At this time, Shen Yinghuan added to the anger, "Since you hate me and want to teach me a lesson, you might as well do it yourself. Do you dare to go on the fighting stage with me?"

What they want to test now is the rebound spirit pattern. How much strength will be used to rebound the spirit pattern. If the second senior brother or her comes, they will definitely hold back and not attack with all their strength. In this way, they cannot test the rebound spirit pattern. It's the limit.

But if they really bite the bullet and use their ultimate move regardless of the situation, then whether they are injured by the reflection of their own attack, or the reflected spirit pattern is shattered and hurts another person, that is not what they want to see.

Now Jin Zhenzhen unexpectedly came to her door on her own initiative. How could she let go of such a good experimental tool?

As for Shi Mengyu, one of the confidante members of the Third Brother who represents endless trouble, she doesn't want to mess with her yet.

Seeing this, Shi Mengyu looked at Jin Zhenzhen with twinkling eyes, "How about you go up and help me fight with her? Just think of it as venting your anger on me, a sister? Are you, a third grader, still afraid that she, a freshman, will not succeed? Or are you lying to me about the good sisters you said and what you said just now?"

Good guy, this Shi Mengyu is really not a ruthless person to be trifled with. Jin Zhenzhen could still refuse Shen Yinghuan's invitation just now, but as soon as Shi Mengyu said these words, she couldn't refuse at all. If she refused, wouldn't it mean what she just said? It's fake, it's a lie to her.

And let Jin Zhenzhen go to the fighting stage, no matter who loses or wins, she will be the one who gains and has no losses.

Shen Yinghuan glanced at her with deep insight, and then returned to Jin Zhenzhen.

Jin Zhenzhen felt extremely regretful at this time. After going back that day, she carefully watched Shen Yinghuan's murder video during the college entrance examination. She was too ruthless and killed without blinking an eye. After watching it, she felt chills running down her spine, so today she Instead of confronting him head-on, he used Gao Yu to cause trouble for Shen Yinghuan and let her confront Shi Mengyu and other crazy women.

But she didn't expect Shen Yinghuan to be so slippery. She disrupted her plan with just a few words, made Shi Mengyu doubt her, and now even forced her to compete on the stage.

She had no choice but to retreat now. If Shen Yinghuan kept an eye on her, Shi Mengyu would definitely hate her, so her only option was to grit her teeth and go to the competition stage.

Good night~

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