Shen Yinghuan was squatting on the sandy slope. In front of him was a golden supply box that Er Mao pushed over diligently. Next to him squatted a large golden retriever dog with its tail swung and its head stretched out as it stretched its neck.

One person and one dog stared with wide eyes, looking with some surprise at the silly big man and his silly big bear stuck in the sand at the bottom of the slope.

How did things develop like this? The bottom line is that the stupid guy shouted too loudly, and the sand accelerated the avalanche when he shouted, and the speed was faster than an avalanche.

Shen Yinghuan was walking on top and immediately realized something was wrong. She immediately mobilized the wind spirit power to speed up and flew away from the sand collapse area.

But the big stupid man catching up below was in a terrible situation. The big man's body was not flexible enough. Before he could turn around, he was enveloped by the collapsed area of ​​​​the sand. He was directly hit by the collapsed sand, and half of his body was buried in the yellow sand.

At this time, the big guy made another cool move. He summoned his little friend Silly Big Bear. He probably wanted the bear to help dig him out. Who knew that this bear looked like its master and was also in a high mood when he appeared? A voice.

Now it's better. Most of the sand that was still hanging on the cliff collapsed, and the whole thing collapsed. The yellow sand rolled, which was particularly spectacular, and completely buried one person and one bear under the sand.

Shen Yinghuan and Er Mao, who came back dragging the supply box, were stunned.

Grandpa on the subway looking at his phone jpg

How could there be such a stupid person?

Then, just when they were talking about whether to save people or not, there was movement under the sand over there. From time to time, a small earthbag popped up. After waiting for a long time, they finally saw the man and the bear. His head popped out of the sand, breathing heavily.

After the bear gasped for air, it clumsily crawled out of the sand with its paws a few times. Then it hurriedly dug its paws into the sand next to its owner, hoping to help the owner get out of the predicament.

But the silly big guy didn't seem to want to come out. His honest face turned red with shyness, like a shy little girl. Especially after meeting Shen Yinghuan's extremely focused eyes, he became even more confused. He buried his face in the sand in shame and anger, and twisted his body to shrink deeper into the sand.

The bear was so anxious that he continued to help his owner dig in the sand with his paws.

So the stupid bear and the stupid big guy got into a tug-of-war. From time to time, the stupid big bear accidentally stepped on his master's exposed head while walking back and forth in a hurry, knocking him out of the way. Press back to eat sand.

In the end, after struggling for a long time, the stupid big guy never came out, and the sand never got below his neck.

What a tragic human story.

So how did he get so fat?

Is the society afraid of not being able to see people?

So weird, take another look.


[Master, that stupid guy and the bear are so stupid, I'm going to help them. ]

Ermao wagged his tail, puffed out his chest, and tried to show that he was a serious, upright, and helpful dog, and he had absolutely no other ideas.

Shen Yinghuan pressed down the raised corners of her lips and nodded, "Okay, then go and help."

Er Mao cheered, shook his tail like a propeller, and ran toward the man and the bear.

[Brother Xiong, I’m here to help you. ]

Shen Yinghuan looked around curiously while scanning the supply box in front of her.

After the blue screen popped up, there were the same five questions, but the difficulty was upgraded. The first two questions were yellow level, and the next three questions were black level. There was also a one-minute countdown.

She glanced at it and quickly figured out the answer, then quickly filled it in. After the answer showed that it was correct, the box was opened.

This time there were a lot of things at the bottom of the box, including a fruit knife, a lighter, an iron pick, a small folding barbecue grill, and five squat, small plastic bottles. Look at the ones above. The labels read: salt, cumin, paprika, allspice and honey.

Oh, it’s a set of barbecue tools!

Shen Yinghuan licked her dry lips, her beautiful eyes lit up, and her dinner was settled.

[Wow, look, it’s a gangster! ]

The sound of a little butterfly rang in her ears, and Shen Yinghuan subconsciously raised her head.

What you can see is a big man wearing only a pair of big red pants fluttering in the wind. The big man has a good figure, a strong back, strong muscles, and eight-pack abs, which is full of masculinity.

It's just that his face is now burned like a monkey's butt, and even his exposed toes are curled up. His body is full of grief, anger, and shame, and he really wants to find a fig leaf for his strong emotions.

Strong man shy jpg

"Cough——" Shen Yinghuan coughed lightly and silently looked away.

Ah, no wonder this stupid guy was huddled in the sand and refused to come out. It turned out that he had no clothes on him.

[Big red pants, he is so sexy. 】

[Hahahaha. Although Ju Dachun is a bit silly, he does have a good figure. He sucks and sucks. It’s my sister’s cup of tea~~]

[I didn’t expect that watching the college entrance examination would be such a blessing. I love watching it. Please give me more. 】

[Pfft - I usually don't like to laugh, unless I really can't help it. Seeing this scene, I couldn't help but think back to when I first entered Zixiao Academy. I entered with a few friends who didn't know the dangers of the world. After entering the secret land of Huangsha, he was stripped naked, leaving only a pair of large underpants. 】

[Yougua, please tell me what's going on. Is it possible that there is some kind of big pervert hiding under these vast tracts of yellow sand that specializes in stripping people of their clothes? 】

[There are no big sex demons, but there are big sex monkeys. There is a kind of spiritual beast in the secret realm of yellow sand called sand monkeys. They are extremely vicious and feed on eyeballs. They also like to steal human things, especially under the sand when people are not prepared. People's clothes, regardless of whether they are men or women, are treated equally. We call them desert hooligans. 】

[Hahaha, it’s so appropriate, I can’t stop laughing. What’s going on? 】

Shen Yinghuan, who was squatting on the yellow sand, was also harassed by desert hooligans at this time. She saw a paw suddenly stretched out from under the yellow sand and hooked the backpack in her arms, trying to run away.

It appeared suddenly and was even faster than the sneak attack lightning snake. People who didn't know their existence were really hard to guard against.

Shen Yinghuan also almost said.

Fortunately, there was an emergency warning from Little Butterfly, and her keen subconscious hugged her backpack and stood up, thus preventing the desert rogue from succeeding.

But the danger is not over yet.

They did not leave. Several small bags of earth quickly swelled up on the sand under their feet, surrounding Shen Yinghuan. Then, one after another, the petite golden-haired monkeys screamed fiercely and jumped out from under the sand, pounced on people, and even took aim ferociously. Her eyes.

Shen Yinghuan's face turned ugly, and she immediately twisted her slim waist and quickly avoided it.

The little butterfly also immediately screamed and cast illusions around her, which allowed her to escape a vicious sneak attack from a dense group of sand monkeys.

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