94 Diagon Alley

Chapter 181: Festival

    Do things? Ginny gasped. "For Merlin's sake, her parents were killed by Death Eaters!" "

    Ron and Harry were silent, they remembered the experience of dressing up as Malfoy's sidekick in second year, when in the hallway, Gwen did say that her parents were in the fight with You-Know-Who sacrificed.

    "Enough." Ginny finally said, "Maybe Gwen has a little secret, but she won't hurt us, okay?"

    Gwen, who was walking in the ruins, was also panicking. She had to find the fake wand before the professor and the Aurors could restore Hogwarts Castle.

    While turning over the stones, Gwen scolded the former professor like a bat in his heart. Does he have to leave the "tool for committing crimes" on the battlefield?

    Of course, silly girl. Gwen can answer himself, he can't bring another wand back to the Death Eater's lair, that's a direct death sentence for himself.

    "The wand is flying." Seeing no one around, Gwen whispered a spell on the ruins, but did not respond.

    She cleared her throat, "Severus Snape's fake wand is flying."

    In a dim corner, a large rock moved and settled down again. Gwen trotted over, and sure enough, he found the wand that was crushed by the rocks. She felt hot, did this mean that at least Snape carried out Dumbledore's plan?

    "Who's there?" A stern and frightening voice came, accompanied by a thud of wood.

    Gwen was so frightened that he hid the fake wand behind him and found it was Moody.

    "I'm just a student." She breathed a sigh of relief.

    Moody's magic eyes stared straight at the hand behind her, not moving. "You shouldn't be here, go back. It's a special time..."

    Gwen's sip of the elixir had apparently passed its efficacy, so that she foolishly planned to check her conjecture with Moody's side.

    "Professor, will Dumbledore be buried at Hogwarts?" Her trembling voice was very imposing.

    "As far as I know, his wish is to rest here, at Hogwarts." Moody looked horribly at Gwen and the wand behind her back.

    "That's fine, I mean, we all want to say goodbye to the principal..." Gwen lowered his head, "Although I still can't believe he just... left..." Gwen secretly raised his head Eyes watched Moody's expression.

    The old Auror was always the same, he rolled his eyes, "You have to accept this reality," he said indifferently, "otherwise the students will not grow up, no one I can always stand in front of you."

    "That's terrible," Gwen pretended to be shivering with fright, "in the morning he was a living man, and at night he became a rigid corpse...Merlin, I never Such a cold hand...like he'd been dead for a long time. Dumbledore was the greatest wizard and he once told me that no magic was perfect, but his magic was always—"

    "Death is cold." Moody interrupted Gwen's recollection mercilessly, "Whatever unrealistic you have, he is gone."

    It's not leaking, look at this senior Auror, it's harder to get good words out of his mouth than in potions class.

    "Okay," Gwen pursed her lips, "after all, no one can cast a spell on my tongue this time, so let that rot in my heart. Borrowed, Professor ."

    Gwen ran away under the gaze of the magic eye. She hid in the secret passage where Malfoy had been kidnapped before, muttered Merlin's name, and used the fake wand.

    For the first time, a startling green light shot from the tip of the staff.

    The second time, nothing happened.

    Gwen counted with his fingers, then squatted on the ground, staring blankly at the fragile birch branch, and finally couldn't help covering his face and crying.

    Complicated emotions came to my mind.

    Good, good. Professor Snape did indeed use the wand.

    The green light on the astronomical tower is from this wand. Wherever Dumbledore was now, Gwen was almost entirely certain that the Headmaster was still alive.

    She took out her retractable ear and whispered George's name.

    "I think we were right, George."

    George's rapid breathing and excited tone came from his ear: "This is the only good news today." Then he lowered his voice and said to Gwen: "Don't do anything. Don't say anything, Gwen. We can't disrupt the plan or let those people find out."

    "But..." Gwen hesitated. "We can at least tell..."

    "Listen to me, this time," said George firmly. "He's wiser and thinks farther than we are. Let's just live the same life as before, and don't be smart, Gwen."

    "You speak like Snape." Gwen was very displeased with the word "smart".

    George snorted coldly from his nose, "No matter what you say, the old bat can only be regarded as a Death Eater who has attempted murder at best."

    Of course, Gwen couldn't justify his name, but this time the tied tongue gave her a different peace of mind. You see, there is a great white wizard hiding somewhere to protect them secretly.

    All classes have been suspended and all exams have been postponed. Over the next two days, some students were hastily picked up from Hogwarts by their parents - the morning after Dumbledore's death, the Parvati twins left without breakfast, Zacharice Smith also left the castle with his arrogant father. Seamus Finnigan categorically refused to go home with his mother, and they had a shouting argument in the hallway until his mother agreed with him to stay for the funeral and the argument was over. Seamus later told the Gryffindor students that his mother was having a hard time finding a bed in Hogsmeade because so many wizards and wizards of both sexes had flocked to the village to say their last goodbyes to Dumbledore.

    In the evening the day before the funeral, a powder-blue carriage the size of a house was pulled from the sky by a dozen giant, winged silver manes, and landed on the edge of the forbidden forest. The younger students were so excited that they had never seen such a sight before. A tall, majestic woman with black hair and yellow skin stepped out of the carriage and threw herself into the arms of Hagrid who was waiting there. Meanwhile, a delegation from the Ministry of Magic - including the Minister himself - was arranged to live in the castle. Harry took pains to avoid meeting any of them, as all were ready to question him about the last time Dumbledore left Hogwarts.

    To Gwen's relief, her friends are as close to her as ever. Although she also knew how unusual her behavior was in those days.

    When I ran into Harry who was hiding, the boy with the scar on his head even scratched his head in embarrassment to apologize to her.

    "I'm sorry, Gwen, talking to you that day..."

    Gwen was momentarily overwhelmed by his words, "I see, Harry, we're not feeling well, too much has happened recently. You don't have to apologize."

    Harry insisted on pouring out his own thoughts: "Listen to me, Gwen. I didn't doubt you, but I was so annoyed. I doubted Snape long ago, If I could tell Dumbledore sooner... in short, it's all my fault, and it has nothing to do with you."

    Gwen stopped and was about to leave, she looked at the boy who was wearing the savior hat and said, "You have a kind heart, Harry, I think this is you The biggest difference from Voldemort. Even after so much, you still worry about hurting your friends because of some small things. As for the latter sentence, it's not all your fault, it's not the worst, trust me."

    Harry smiled bitterly, listening to the sound of footsteps in the distance, and gestured to Gwen to say that he had to dodge quickly.

    "And, Harry." Gwen said to his back, "I'm going to stay at Ollivander's wand shop after graduation, everything, me and George—and of course Fred - we'd all like to help you."

    Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny stay together all day, occasionally joined by soon-to-be-graduated Gwen and Katie. The sunny weather seems to be taunting everyone. Harry couldn't help but imagine if Dumbledore hadn't died. Now that it's the end of the term, Ginny's exams are over, the stress of the homework is lessened, and they're hanging out all day...

    These students visit the school hospital twice a day. Neville had been discharged from the hospital, where Bill remained under Madam Pomfrey's care. His scars are still so shocking. To be honest, he looks a bit like Mad-Eye Moody now, luckily his eyes and legs are still intact, but his personality doesn't seem to have changed at all. The only thing that has changed is that he now suddenly loves fried beef very tenderly.

    "...thankfully he's going to marry me," Fleur said happily, helping Bill to make the pillow a little softer, "because the British always fry their meat too old, I'd say I've said it many times."

    "Looks like I'll just have to face it, he's really going to marry her," sighed Ginny, who was with Harry, Gwen, Ron, and Hermione that night Sitting by the open window of the Gryffindor common room, looking out at the grounds in the twilight.

    "She's not that bad," said Harry, "although a little ugly." He saw Ginny raise her eyebrows and quickly added a sentence, Ginny forced a few laughs.

    "Well, since Mom can take it, I think I'm fine."

    "Don't worry," Gwen patted Ginny on the shoulder, "you won't live together forever."


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