Zhou Yan bought these beach shorts when he was filming in the Qiao Family Courtyard the first year he came here. At that time, he was thinner than he is now, so he wore them just right, but they probably look too small now.

However, Kudo Shizuka has a petite figure, so wearing these beach pants has the same effect as wearing a hakama.

Kudo Shizuka is very thin, but she seems to have gained some weight recently. When I first saw her in Neon, she was much thinner than she is now.

Zhou Yan thinks that the little girl will look better if she has more flesh.

Zhou Yan looked at Shizuka Kudo up and down, then rummaged through the cabinets at home to find a hair dryer. He remembered that there was a hair dryer before, but he couldn't find it after searching for a long time.

What are you looking for? Kudo Shizuka asked.

I'm looking for something to dry your hair so that your clothes can dry faster. I originally had one at home, but I can't find it. I'll borrow one for you.

Kudo Shizuka waved her hands repeatedly, No, it will be fine soon.

Zhou Yan looked around the room again and targeted the fan in the corner. Use the fan to blow it. Take out your clothes.

Kudo Shizuka blushed and said, Go inside.

Zhou Yan didn't understand why he wanted to go inside, but he still carried the fan and walked inside. After taking a few steps, Kudo Shizuka walked directly in front of him and spread his arms to stop him, Don't go in.

Zhou Yan originally wanted to ask why, but suddenly he glanced at Kudo Shizuka's chest and immediately understood that the girl had also taken off her bra.

Kudo Shizuka also noticed Zhou Yan's eyes, and quickly retracted her arms to hug her chest, Don't look at it.

Zhou Yan nodded and handed the fan to her, Okay, you can get it yourself.

Kudo Shizuka took the fan and quickly ran into the house.

Zhou Yan ignored her and went back to finish the sanitation work.

Kudo Shizuka didn't come out after entering the room. She didn't show up until Zhou Yan finished everything.

Zhou Yan guessed that she wanted to wait until her clothes were dried and put on before coming out, so he didn't ask. When he was bored, he walked to the piano again, ready to play for a while.

This piano was bought by Jia Guoping, and Zhang Xinning is usually playing it.

Zhou Yan opened the lid and then played a piece. He found that the piano's tone was a little inaccurate, so he found tools to tune the piano.

In terms of tuning, Zhou Yan's talent has a strong advantage.

Of course, in terms of pitch adjustment, Zhou Yan has an advantage, but in fact the tuner has to do more than just adjust the pitch, he also has to ensure the stability of the timbre.

In addition, the tuner also needs to make adjustments to the timbre for different players and performance situations. Zhou Yan is not good at these things.

But Zhou Yan just needs to get the tune right today. As for the other things, there is no need to do it carefully. This piano is not a good piano in the first place, and it is not worth Zhou Yan's time to spend too much time on it.

The main reason is that the piano is prone to problems if it is not tuned for a long time. Otherwise, Zhou Yan would not want to mess with it. He basically would not play the piano here.

While he was tuning the piano, Shizuka Kudo had already walked behind him and looked at him quietly.

When Zhou Yan turned around to pick up the tools, he was startled when he saw Shizuka Kudo standing behind him.

Although his ears are sharp, he can't hear everything when he focuses on something. Just now, his attention was on the piano, and he didn't notice Shizuka Kudo walking over.

Aren't your clothes dry yet?

Kudo Shizuka was still wearing Zhou Yan's clothes and even Zhou Yan's sandals. This neon girl is really not afraid of the cold.

Not yet. Shizuka Kudo shook her head and asked curiously, Are you repairing the piano?

It's tuning.

Oh, that's what I want to say.

As she said that, she sat down on the piano bench and said, You can actually tune the piano.

Not very professional either.

You want to play the piano?

I originally wanted to, but the sound wasn't accurate, so I had to adjust it first.

Can you teach me how to play the piano?

Don't you know how?

Only a little.

Zhou Yan smiled and said, Actually, I only know a little bit.

Kudo Shizuka curled her lips, a little unhappy. She thought Zhou Yan simply didn't want to teach her.

Who can believe that a person who has given concerts and played piano in concerts says that he only knows a little bit about piano?

You should change your reason. Shizuka Kudo tilted her head and raised the corners of her mouth to express her dissatisfaction to Zhou Yan, At least, you can deceive me.

The music was almost tuned, and Zhou Yan finally put the finishing touches on it. While packing up his tools, he asked Shizuka Kudo, What piece of music do you want to learn?

Shizuka Kudo held her chin and thought for a while, and finally said, You taught me.

Zhou Yan put away the tools and put them in the cabinet, then walked to the piano and played a little star, How about this?

I will do this.

Kudo Shizuka also played a part, she really knows how to play.

What about this? Zhou Yan played another section of Ode to Joy.

I can do this too.

Shizuka Kudo also played a part, but this time she stumbled, and Zhou Yan immediately knew what level she was at.

The shape of your hand is not right. It is difficult to correct it now because you are not young.

Kudo Shizuka was obviously from a wild background. When she learned piano, she probably just learned the music directly. She didn't polish her basic skills and didn't find a good teacher. She was able to play Ode to Joy, which surprised Zhou Yan.

Many singers learn piano this way, focusing on quick results.

After all, pop songs are very simple. A person with zero basic knowledge can complete it in one or two weeks if his fingers are flexible. If he is slower, he can basically complete it in two or three weeks.

But there are many problems with this kind of quick learning. One is hand shape. Most people who are quick to learn don’t pay attention to hand shape, which leads to many minor problems when playing the piano. Second, it is not long-lasting. People who are quick to learn can play hundreds of pieces of music even if they are quick. Thousands of times, if you don't play it for two months, you won't be able to play it well again.

The most important thing is that every piece of music must be learned again, which seems to save time, but in fact it wastes a lot of time.

If novices can conscientiously practice Hanon, Beye, and Czerny 599, and then come into contact with those popular songs, they will find that these songs are very simple, and they are a real tool for sharpening the knife without making mistakes. Woodworker.

Talented people can learn a little music theory and work on the basics. If they get the sheet music of a popular song, they can play it in a while and they will not forget it.

Popular songs generally have a simple structure. People who are not good at music theory may think that there are many elements when they see the score. However, once you are familiar with music theory, you will find that the melody is just a few pieces, and there are traces to follow.

What Zhou Yan said to Kudo Shizuka focused on the hand shape, but Kudo Shizuka heard it in her ears as I'm not too young. She said angrily, I'm the youngest?

Zhou Yan was confused by these words, wondering if this woman really knew what was important, or was it that women were all sensitive to age?

Uh...not old.

Zhou Yan casually played a piece of Badajevska's Girl's Prayer, Actually, the hand shape doesn't have to be changed, and some piano masters don't have particularly good hand shapes.

His words were purely to comfort Kudo Shizuka. It is true that some masters have non-standard hand shapes when playing, but they all have their own reasons. It does not mean that their hand shapes were wrong at the beginning.

For piano masters, they have touched the keys countless times, so they can adjust their hand shape as they please according to their own situation and the music.

But as a beginner, if you don't pay attention to hand shape, you are looking for death.

Of course Kudo Shizuka was not that easy to coax. She moved her buttocks to leave more space for Zhou Yan, Sit down and teach me the hand shape.

Zhou Yan nodded and sat next to her, In this way, the palms are arched and the fingers are naturally drooping. The wrist should be...

He demonstrated it to Kudo Shizuka, and then helped adjust Kudo Shizuka's hand shape.

After fixing her hand shape, Shizuka Kudo played another section of Ode to Joy.

Although the hand shape was correct, the performance was worse than before, which Zhou Yan expected.

The reason why it is so difficult for people who have been learning piano for a period of time to change bad habits is because they will find that in the process of changing, it is not as smooth as before.

From this, due to inertia, you will eventually continue to play according to your original habits.

Shizuka Kudo frowned and said, I feel like playing the piano is so easy for you, but so difficult for me.

Seeing Kudo Shizuka complaining about the difficulty so quickly, Zhou Yan couldn't help but laugh and said, That's because you didn't see how hard others worked when practicing. We used to practice piano, and if the hand shape was wrong, the teacher would hit her directly.

Kudo Shizuka looked at Zhou Yan's hand, Have you ever been beaten?


Then you, are you crying?

I rarely cry.

Zhou Yan played another piece of music from Czerny, I remember that when I played this piece before, I got beaten the most and almost cried.

The conversation with Shizuka Kudo also brought back memories of Zhou Yan’s piano practice. At that time, it was difficult to play Czerny’s music because the songs in Czerny were basically for technical exercises and were very boring. , when playing those songs, it makes people feel like a practice machine without emotion.

Shizuka Kudo looked at Zhou Yan's profile. His perfect jawline and long eyelashes were like stars and the moon, making people feel clean and bright.

Why does a man have such long eyelashes? Kudo Shizuka couldn't help but mutter in her heart.

How long do I have to practice until I can play nice music casually like you?

Zhou Yan turned to look at her and asked with a smile, Are you talking about playing old songs or composing new ones?

Already have.

Zhou Yan shrugged, That's not very difficult. Practice two hours a day and practice seriously for three to five years, and you should be able to reach my level.


Really, my level is average.

Here we go again... Kudo Shizuka curled her lips, turned around and pressed a few keys on the piano, which happened to be E4, F4, E4, F4, G4.

After hearing these notes, Zhou Yan said with a smile, You play this set of notes quite well.

Kudo Shizuka looked puzzled, Does this sound good?

She pressed a total of three keys and five notes, and these three keys were all in the middle area C, which were the keys closest to the player on the piano, and these three keys were all next to each other, that is, 34345 of Central C.

This set of sounds was so simple that Shizuka Kudo felt that what Zhou Yan said was ironic and was deliberately teasing her.

It's really nice. In fact, nice melodies are not that complicated. They are composed of some simple sounds. For example, the set of sounds you play can derive more melodies.

With that said, Zhou Yan raised his hand and started playing.

In the first two sections, Zhou Yan just repeated the set of notes played by Shizuka Kudo twice. In the third section, the melody changed, but it was not very complicated. It was still a very simple tune.

But this simple tune made Shizuka Kudo's eyes light up.

Such a few simple notes were actually transformed by Zhou Yan into something so pleasant. The whole tune sounded cheerful and lively. Even when it was played for the second time, Shizuka Kudo couldn't help but hum along.

Hearing Kudo Shizuka humming, Zhou Yan also nodded secretly. This song was quite suitable for her to sing.

When he heard Shizuka Kudo playing this group of sounds just now, Zhou Yan remembered the song Little Hands Holding Big Hands. This group of sounds is exactly the words Give me your hands, like gentle beasts and You are my dream in the chorus. , like the northern wind tune.

Little Hands Holding Big Hands is a song by Liang Jingru. The style of the song gives people a sweet feeling. This song is also a cover of Neon's song. The original song is Transform into the Wind.

After Zhou Yan finished playing the chorus, he went back and played the verse again. This time, Shizuka Kudo did not sing along, but listened quietly.

When Zhou Yan finished playing the entire song, Shizuka Kudo asked blankly, Is this a new song?

Zhou Yan looked at her with a smile, Don't you have some credit here? You played the chorus.

Looking at Zhou Yan, Kudo Shizuka felt that the past few minutes were a bit dreamy. She played a few notes casually, but Zhou Yan made it into a song, and it was so nice.

Meeting Zhou Yan's eyes, this was the first time she looked at Zhou Yan's eyes so close. In addition to Zhou Yan's beautiful eyelashes, his eyes were also very charming.

Moreover, the focus of Zhou Yan's eyes was very special. He was obviously looking at her, but he seemed to be looking behind her. This feeling was like Zhou Yan's eyes passed through her pupils and entered her heart.

Her heartbeat suddenly began to accelerate, and her heart sent blood to her face, causing her face to blush quickly.

Although she was wearing very thin clothes, she felt a little hot at the moment and her breathing became a little short.

Give me this song? Kudo Shizuka asked calmly.

Zhou Yan nodded, Well, yes, no...

As soon as he said the word no, Kudo Shizuka leaned forward, quickly kissed Zhou Yan on the cheek, then lowered his head and said, Thank you, Zhou Yan.

Kudo Shizuka was agile and moved very quickly. Zhou Yan didn't even have time to dodge and let her kiss him firmly.

In fact, Zhou Yan originally wanted to say that he could give her the song, but the money should not be less. Now that Shizuka Kudo came suddenly, he didn't know how to say this.

After Kudo Shizuka kissed Zhou Yan, she returned to her original sitting position, lowered her head and said nothing. For a while, the atmosphere in the room was a little awkward.

Seeing Kudo Shizuka with her head lowered and her face flushed, Zhou Yan found it interesting. Wasn't this girl very brave just now? Why did she suddenly become shy now?

Her face was really red, and it wasn't just her blush. From her face down to her neck... and further down, even the exposed skin on her chest was red.

Kudo Shizuka was wearing Zhou Yan's shirt. Although the buttons had been buttoned to the second row, the shirt was too big and the career line on her chest, which was not very impressive, could still be seen through the collar.

Thinking that Kudo Shizuka was not wearing anything, Zhou Yan felt his mouth and tongue were a little dry, and he quickly looked away, then coughed lightly, Ahem, the room is a little unventilated, I'll open the window.

After saying that, he was about to get up when he heard Kudo Shizuka say leisurely from behind, Isn't the window open?

Zhou Yan's mouth twitched. When they came in, the window had already been opened. He originally wanted to find a reason to stay away from Kudo Shizuka, but Kudo Shizuka exposed him directly.

He turned around again, only to see Kudo Shizuka looking at him with burning eyes.

Kudo Shizuka's eyes were a little hazy, as if covered with a layer of mist, and her face was flushed, making her look like she was drunk.

Looking at Kudo Shizuka's eyes, Zhou Yan swallowed his saliva. He felt something was wrong and wanted to get up and leave, but found that his legs were a little unruly.

And his hunch was correct. Kudo Shizuka raised her body, then wrapped her hands around Zhou Yan's neck and kissed Zhou Yan.

At this time, a gust of wind blew in from the window, passing by Zhou Yan's ears and blowing Kudo Shizuka's hair. This gust of wind was refreshing and cool, but it did not dissipate the heat in the two people's bodies.

Kudo Shizuka had already closed her eyes. Her kissing skills were very unfamiliar and she had no rules at all. She only knew how to attack blindly.

This time, Zhou Yan didn't push her away, and closed his eyes while guiding her. (Revise)

Feeling Zhou Yan's response, Kudo Shizuka hugged Zhou Yan tighter, making her body as close to Zhou Yan as possible.

Soon, Zhou Yan switched from defense to attack, hugged Kudo Shizuka tightly, and in turn pried open Kudo Shizuka's teeth. (Revise)

Kudo Shizuka was petite, so Zhou Yan hugged her casually and put her on his lap. Then, Zhou Yan's hands began to be dishonest, slowly climbing up her calves, and finally got into the loose shirt. , moving upstream along her waistline.

When Zhou Yan's hand touched Kudo Shizuka's waistline, Kudo Shizuka felt a burst of electricity pass through her body, making her hairs stand up. (Revise)

Feeling the trembling of her body, Zhou Yan also stepped up his offensive. He covered her entire Lexia with a big hand and continued to explore it. (Revise)

Just when Zhou Yan was about to attack the top of the mountain, Shizuka Kudo jumped into action and quickly pushed Zhou Yan away.


After saying that, Kudo Shizuka trotted into the house and quickly closed it.

Zhou Yan looked at the door of the room, and then looked at his hand. There was still the lingering warmth and fragrance of Kudo Shizuka on it.

Look at little Zhou Yan again, he is already holding his head high and getting ready to go.

Zhou Yan took a deep breath to calm himself down and calm down little Zhou Yan.

He touched his head, why did things develop to this point? Just now...why did he close his eyes?

Is it because Wang Zuxian was not here during this period and he was a little hungry?

And Shizuka Kudo, she was the one who kissed her forcefully, and she was the one who ran away at the last moment. Is this girl really shy, or is she a master, deliberately pulling her?

Zhou Yan found that taking a deep breath was of no use, so he raised his hand and played Pathetique, hoping to divert his attention through music.

Kudo Shizuka was in the room and heard the intense piano sound coming from outside. She held her head and shouted in her heart.

Ah, Kudo Shizuka, what are you doing? Why are you running away? He must be angry. He feels unhappy when listening to music.

Do you want to go out again and start over?

That's so embarrassing.

At this moment, she also felt that her whole body was hot. She exhaled and fanned her face with her hands, trying to cool down.

The little wind from the hand fan had no cooling effect at all, so she ran to the fan again and let the cool breeze blow on her face.

But the more she thought about the scene just now, the redder her face became. Then she thought, if she hadn't pushed Zhou Yan away just now, what would have happened?

Thinking about it, my face became even redder.

It wasn't until Zhou Yan finished playing the entire song Pathetique that Shizuka Kudo came out of the room.

Kudo Shizuka came out again and had already put on her clothes.

Her face wasn't as red as before, but there was still some red.

Zhou Yan said calmly, Do you want to go back to the studio?

This time Kudo Shizuka did not refuse and nodded obediently, Okay.

Zhou Yan covered the piano and took Shizuka Kudo back to the studio.

When Shizuka Kudo came back, Nangong Songzi said with a hint of resentment, Shizuka, if you want to go out next time, can you tell me in advance what to do if something happens?

I went to the Conservatory of Music with Li Biru, how could something happen?

Be sure to tell me next time. Nangong Songzi then said to Zhou Yan, Sorry to trouble you, Mr. Zhou Yan.

Before Zhou Yan could speak, Kudo Shizuka said, He helped me write another song.

Really? Nangong Songzi looked at Zhou Yan in surprise, Mr. Zhou Yan, have you helped Jingxiang write a song again?

Yes, I wrote a song. Zhou Yan nodded.

Can I listen? Nangong Songzi asked eagerly.

Zhou Yan thought for a while and said, Tomorrow, I will write out the lyrics and then show them to you.

Okay, okay. Nangong Songzi nodded repeatedly.

She looked at Shizuka Kudo again, and her eyes changed a bit. It seemed that Shizuka's initiative was still useful.

After establishing a good relationship with Zhou Yan, she might be able to ask him to help Shizuka write a few more songs in the future. Now it’s hard to get Zhou Yan’s songs. She heard the news before that Akina Nakamori originally wanted to cover Stand With Me , but they were the first to do so.

If the quality of this song is good, she has to report it to the company quickly and record the new song and put it into the album while the album is being recorded. In this case, there will be two brand new songs in the album, which will be more attractive. Be stronger.

And later they can fill in the new song with neon lyrics, make it into an ep, and release it on neon.

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